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Uczmy się angielskiego (mp3)

The Guardian Weekly
Kolejna lekcja angielskiego już za tydzień.
Kolejna lekcja angielskiego już za tydzień.
Drodzy internauci, uczycie się języka angielskiego? Potrzebujecie pomocy? Wskazówek udzieli wam Anglik Roy Haworth.


Reutlingen, a town in Germany, has come up with (= found) a very easy way for people to see where a local bus is going. Each bus has a special symbol showing where it's going. For instance, there's a cross for the hospital and a football for the stadium. These symbols are also clearly visible (wyzybyl, = widoczne) at bus stops.

You can get cards with just the number of the bus you want to take and the symbol showing where it goes: both the numbers and symbols are big and clear. If you're not sure the bus you're about to get on (= you will get on now) is the right one, just show the driver the card and he or she will tell you. This has made the lives of local learning disabled (= upośledzony umysłowo) people much easier: now they don't have to look at complicated (komplykejtyd) bus timetables to see which buses to take. I'm sure that the system could also be very helpful for people with poor (= bad) eyesight and tourists.


Researchers (ryserczyrs, = badacze) have known for a long time that libraries are some of the best places to go if you want to meet possible partners. Well, the New York Public Library has become a hot spot (= popular place) for intellidating: people who do this would rather have intellectual sparring and get into each other's minds by going to public lectures (= wykłady), late-night museum openings, book readings and debates (dybejc) than have the usual dinner and film.
The word 'intellidating' appeared in Britain a few years ago. It comes from a live debating programme called Intelligence Squared that was created by people who wanted debating to be seen as sexy. People who have been to these things on dates have said that it has helped them to get to know each others' points of view and find out more about each other. Maybe a show like this in Poland would be a good idea?


Woody Allen once said that love was the answer, but sex raised (rejzd, = wywołał) a lot of interesting questions. I wonder what he'd say about Amora, the first permanent sex exhibition in London. It says it is an educational 'academy for sex and relationships': in fact, it has a resident (= stały) sex therapist. Once (= when) you've paid 12 pounds to go in (15 pounds if you go in the late afternoon or evening), you can see a wall covered in sex toys which is complete with demonstration videos. You can test your spanking (to spank = dać klapsa) skills: flashing lights tell you if you are doing it too hard. There are also models of men and women who say “That's it!" when you find their prostrate (prostrejt) or G-spot. Visit their website at to find out more.


A British salesman thought that an attractive potential (pytenszyl) customer was attracted to him. So he sent her an invitation to have a drink with him together with a photo of him sitting in a foam (fołm, = pianka) bath drinking bourbon. Unfortunately, it seems that he misunderstood the situation. The lady reported what had happened and the foolish (= silly) gentleman is now looking for a job. And suing (to sue = wnieść skargę) his employers for eight thousand pounds lost earnings (= zarobki).


A woman and her daughters made a three-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother fight each other and filmed it. When the father, a soldier serving in Iraq, returned to Britain and saw the video, he was totally shocked. The grandmother didn't feel bad about it: she said it would “harden" them. A judge (dzadz, = sędzia) gave them all a one-year suspended sentence (= you only have to do this time in prison if you do another crime after that) and 100 hours community (= społeczny) service. Good. /GE/
Sources: ZDF

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