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Uczmy się angielskiego (mp3)

/GE/, Source: The Guardian Weekly
Wskazówek udzieli wam Roy Haworth, Anglik, który w Tarnobrzegu mieszka od trzech lat.
Wskazówek udzieli wam Roy Haworth, Anglik, który w Tarnobrzegu mieszka od trzech lat.
Drodzy czytelnicy, uczycie się języka angielskiego? Potrzebujecie pomocy? Wskazówek udzieli wam Roy Haworth.


Let's say that you were married, but had someone else that you preferred spending time with. You want to make up some nonsense about you being at a conference, just so your other half (= partner) doesn't suspect (saspekt, = podejrzewać) anything. Babalucio, a company that creates alibis, will give you a conference diploma saying that you were there (in the right language, of course) and stuff with your hotel's name on. Having given them proof (= dowody) of where you've been, you can then show them how much you care by giving them lovely presents that have been carefully chosen by the company and sent to you by courier.

Should your other half want to (= If he/she wants to) call to check up on you (= check what you are doing), you can give them the number of the conference organiser or hotel: the call will be redirected to Babalucio's offices where the boss will tell him or her that you're not available (= dostępny/a) but will call back soon. They even made up (to make something up = to think of a story that isn't true) a marathon (marafyn, = maraton) for one man in which he came third: he returned home with a fake (fejk, = not real) cup and fake newspaper cuttings!

The company doesn't just help people who want to be unfaithful. In fact, they wrote a fake e-mail for a woman who wanted an excuse not to go on a business trip with a boss who was perhaps more interested in her than in the business. Incidentally (ynsydentli, = By the way), 70% of the people who have contacted the company since it started two years ago have been women. If you fancy finding out (= want to find out) more, go to Their services don't come cheap (= aren't cheap). For example, the conference trick would cost you something between 600 and 1,000 Euros: you have to pay more if you want the telephone answering service. So make sure it's worth it!

Last week saw the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty (triti, = traktat) of Rome. While there is much about the EU that could be changed, the fact is that twenty-seven European nations are moving forward together by discussing and peacefully resolving (ryzolwiń, to resolve = rozwiązać) their differences rather than going to war. There are so many EU initiatives (ynyszytyws) that are improving the lives of its citizens and broadening their horizons: for instance (ynstyns, = for example), thanks to (= dzięki) the Erasmus programme, I was able to spend two years studying in France. Add to that the personal and political freedoms that have been won and you can only feel amazed (ymejzd, = zdumiony/a) by what has been achieved (yczijwd, to achieve = osiągnąć). Happy birthday!


This incredible lady has recently been nominated (nominejtyd) for the Nobel Peace prize by the Polish parliament for saving the lives of Jewish children during the Second World War.

A social worker who had permission (permyszyn, = pozwolenie) to enter the Warsaw ghetto, she and a small team of coworkers (= współpracowników) managed to smuggle (smagyl, = szmuglować) 2,500 children to safety between 1942 and her arrest in October 1943. She says that she doesn't like being called a hero because she feels she did too little. All this makes her a perfect candidate (kandydejt) for the prize.

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